An Easy, Small Business Startup Checklist for Charlotte Businesses

An Easy, Small Business Startup Checklist for Charlotte Businesses

If you’re planning on starting a small business, you may feel intimidated by the significance of such an endeavor. However, the truth is that starting a business isn’t as difficult as it may seem. Of course, you will need to work hard to get your business off the ground and there will be days when you need to work from the moment you wake up to the moment you go to sleep. However, setting up your new small business can be as easy as following a checklist. Here is a small and easy small business startup checklist for Charlotte businesses.

Find a Good Idea for Your Business

You need to find a good idea for your business if you want your startup to be successful. Not only should the business idea be profitable, but it should relate to your interests at least tangentially. A business idea that directly relates to your interests is even better, as you will be running the business for the long-term. The business idea should also fit your location and target market.

Some tips that will help you come up with a business idea is identifying your strengths and weaknesses, do a SWOT analysis on yourself, and conducting research on the successful businesses of today.

Test Your Idea

If you don’t do any testing or research, it can be difficult to determine whether an idea is viable or not. The testing and research you do also needs to be intensive so that you know the idea will be viable on all levels. One way you can get started is by proposing your idea to real people. For example, if you want to start a restaurant in a certain neighborhood, you should start by asking the people who reside in the neighborhood whether they would rather see a pastry shop or a fancy Italian restaurant.

Seek Funding

You will need to seek funding if you don’t have the money to start a business on your own. However, if you’re going to seek funding, you will need to create a formal business plan for your startup. While the business plan doesn’t need to be 40 pages long, banks and other institutions will want to see a business plan of some kind. In some cases, a one-page pitch or business plan will be enough. However, some institutions want to see a traditional business plan. Be sure you pay a lot of attention to the  financial section if the institution wants to see a traditional business plan.


If you want to boost sales and customer loyalty, you will need to develop a strong brand. Believe it or not, a strong brand is not just necessary for large and well-established businesses. Thanks to your research, you should know a lot about your target customers. Use your brand to capture the attention of these target customers.

For more information about how to start your small business, don’t hesitate to contact us here at Accounting by the Books LLC by calling (704) 879-1838.