New Year’s Resolutions

NY Resolution

New Year’s Resolutions, while they tend to have a bad reputation, are actually pretty valuable. It is wise to set goals for ourselves each year, and to take the time to re-evaluate where we were, where we currently are and where want to be. Striving for success in both our personal and professional lives is always a good thing, and is an attribute we should all possess.

We strongly encourage you to take the time to reflect upon 2014 as we are beginning a New Year. Think about new goals you would like to achieve and how you can do so. We have two resolutions that we strongly suggest for every small business owner to consider adding to their resolution list for 2015.

1. Get Your Bookkeeping Organized

Getting your books in order is a great resolution, and a great way to start a New Year. Nothing makes me feel more accomplished than getting and staying organized.  Getting your books in order at the beginning of a New Year will not only help you feel accomplished but it sets your business up for success. When your bookkeeping is organized you are able to better manage your business and therefore make wiser business decisions.

2. Create More Free Time

Another resolution that should be on your list is to create more free time for yourself. When you outsource your bookkeeping you free up much of your time, time that you can spend focusing on managing both your business and your personal life.


If getting your bookkeeping in order and having more free time are resolutions that you have made and are ones that you intend on keeping throughout the year, contact Accounting By The Books today. We would love to help make your resolutions your reality.



Tiffany Goodin,